Chapter Programs

Most monthly programs are open to both members and non-members. However, some will have space or venue limitations and will need pre-registration. Indoor programs will typically be held in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level of the Emmaus Baptist Church, 712 Linden Street N, Northfield, Minnesota. Parking is located on the south side of the church.

Chapter Program Schedule

Programs at Emmaus Church unless otherwise noted.  Outside tour dates may change due to weather. 

Upcoming 2025 Programs

April 10th – Chapter Anniversary Dinner:

Faribault Depot, Faribault, MN 55021 – 5:00pm. 

April 16th, 6:30pm – Spring Ephemeral Tour at Rice Lake Park, Owatonna.

Please note, the date is likely to change as it depends on the weather and season.  We do want to have blooms available to see so we need to be flexible.

May 17 – May 18 – SE MN Prairie Partner Chapter Plant Sale. 

Saturday May 17, 9 am to 2 pm & Sunday May 18, 10 am to 1 pm

Locally grown native plants from Nancy Schumacher, and South Cedar Greenhouse

*Please note location change*

This year our sale will be held at the home of Nancy Schumacher and Jim Sipe.
26050 Emery Avenue, Randolph MN

The selection will include over 70 species of Minnesota native plants along with a selection of tomato, pepper and herb plants. Quality plants, competitive pricing and great helpers!

Past 2025 Programs

Thursday January 9th, 7pm zoom event: Rare ones in Wild Habitats

Tuesday January 21st: Minnesota Wild Ones chapters are hosting:- Neonics & Advocacy: Protecting Pollinators and Influencing Policy

Saturday, Jan 25th,  10AM-2PM: Grow Monarch Habitat  Hosted by Wild Ones Twin Cities Chapter

Thursday February 13th, 7pm: Zoom presentation – Barb Bolan – Secrets of Monarchs and Milkweeds.  How can we help this declining species recover? If you missed it, you can check out the presentation here: Secrets of Monarchs and Milkweeds. 

Thursday Feb 20th: Led by Master Naturalists: Rice County Roadside Prairie Remnants – What can you do to help protect these gems? – Presented by Nancy Braker, Arboretum Director, Carleton College and Jim Platt, Cannon River Valley Master Naturalist Leadership Team.

Thursday March 13th, 7pm, at Emmaus Church: Lessons learned in protecting and restoring biodiversity – conservation in action”.  Come and hear about this newly released book by one of the editors, Bonnie Harper-Lore.